The Arundel Veterans Memorial was dedicated on July 11, 2010.
In honor of all Arundel veterans,
from the country’s founding to the present,
who have served their community and country
to preserve our nation and rights as Americans.
The first ceremony participants included: Chaplain Louis (Red) Soucy, who provided the invocation and benediction; Boy Scout Troop #330 Arundel who raised a new flag over the site; Scott Eaton who played “Taps”; Shay Letellier who led us in singing the National Anthem and “God Bless America”; and an Honor Guard provided by American Legion Post 159 who assisted Eleanor Heinze in placing the wreath. Our keynote speakers were Diana Abbott and Roland Drew, both of whom provided us with wonderful thoughts about our veterans. The ceremony was attended by more than 130 people, including State Senator Nancy Sullivan who spoke to the assembly in support of our veterans.
In the time between our last newsletter and the dedication, we received continued donations, names of veterans, and support of all kinds. Our ground-breaking at the site occurred on June 28…that was quite exciting after months of planning and paperwork! Phil Labbe and his crew donated all of the site preparation and materials: excavating, pouring the concrete foundation for the monument, transporting the base [donated by Millennium Granite & Stoneworks] from Wells, setting the cobblestone border and the base for the monument, prepping the ground and adding the bluestone, and leveling the surrounding area with loam. Sam Morgan of Taylor Farm donated the sod surrounding the site, which Phil’s crew laid out. When Richard Bois of Millennium Granite arrived with the monument on July 9, Phil was there again to help him set the monument and the granite slab with five engraved military insignias, as well as to install the two granite benches donated by Donald & Joanne DeWitt and Bernon & Suzanne Madore. The Arundel Fire Department was scrupulous about keeping the sod watered through many hot, sunny days so it survived. Shawn Hayes set up and managed the public address system for the ceremony.
The final touches were added on the day of the dedication with the new flag, provided by Charles & Velma Hayes, and two lovely plants donated by Green Mountain Transplants. The family of Terry Drown graciously allowed us to display his medals from his service and sacrifice during the Vietnam War.
The members of the Arundel Historical Society are both pleased and proud to have played a part in bringing the community together to establish this important and enduring Veterans Memorial. We express our sincerest thanks to all who volunteered, contributed, and participated!
As a continuing project, we have created an Arundel Veterans Honor Roll. It is our hope to gather the name, time of service, and branch of service of as many Arundel veterans as possible, but we need you to help us do that! If you are a veteran, have a veteran in your family, or have an ancestor who was an Arundel veteran, please contact us. We will send you a form to complete with the information we require. If you wish, you can also access the form on our this website. Any veteran who currently lives in Arundel, even if they were not living here when they served, will also be included in the honor roll. We would like to honor as many veterans as possible!
Arundel Historical Society
Thanks to the generosity of many individuals, businesses, organizations, and our members, we were able to establish a monument to honor all of Arundel’s veterans. Such a memorial was long overdue given Arundel citizens’ roles in founding and protecting our country.
In the process of planning for this memorial, we were provided with the names of a number of Arundel veterans. We know there are many more who have served our country, but whose names we do not have. The AHS is in the process of compiling a list of as many Arundel veterans as possible to be maintained as an “Honor Roll”. If you are a veteran, or know of one, please provide us with some information about yourself or that veteran so we can add the name and time of service to the list.
We would like to include both veterans who were Arundel residents at the time of service as well as other current Arundel residents who have served. We are also very interested in information about Arundel veterans from the past. If your Arundel ancestors served at any time, please tell us what you know about their service.