Who lived in the North Chapel neighborhood in 1850?
Census records from 1850 indicate the occupants of some of the homes in the North Chapel neighborhood Bold type indicates the head of the household. The names appearing below them are other household members (from oldest to youngest). We know very little about the Green, Cleaves, and McIntire families. If you can provide any information about them or other families in the area, please share it with us.
Rufus Lunt b: 1784
Ruth (spouse) b: 1791
Elizabeth b: 1825
Jonathan S. b: 1831
Samuel Lunt b: 1825
Mary J. (spouse) b: 1828
Ruth b: 1848
Jesse Green b: 1808
Hannah (spouse) b: 1823
Austin b: 1840
Jothom L. Cleaves b: 1802
Susan (spouse) b: 1803
Albert b: 1830
Orville b: 1836
Erving J. b: 1838
1856 map of North Chapel area when Arundel was known as Kennebunkport
Phineas McIntire b: 1790
Marcia (spouse) b: 1797
George b: 1896
Oliver b: 1831
Daniel b: 1833
King b: 1835
Calvin b: 1838
Albert Lunt b: 1813
Sophia (spouse) b: 1813
Josephine b: 1842
Juliett b: 1840
John Lunt b: 1795
Sarah b: 1832
Susan b: 1834
John W. b: 1836
Charlotte b: 1839
Lydia K. b: 1842
Edmund Currier b: 1797
Susan (spouse) b: 1799
Hannah b: 1821
Nathaniel b: 1824
Sarah b: 1826
Susan b: 1829
Lucinda b: 1832
Lydia L. b: 1834
Maria b: 1841
North Chapel Church members – 1950’s
Reverend Russell & Doris Pier
Mrs. Myrtle Bodycoat & daughter Harriet
Helen DeWitt
Julia DeWitt
Meredith DeWitt
Edward DeWitt
Mrs. Emmons
Clyde [Claude?] Emmons
Margaret Emmons
Carol Ivy & Mother Lethair
Alton Kinney
Pat Kinney
Roy Kinney
Paul Martel
Michael Martel
Bill Martel
Alfred Martel
Nancy Mitchell [Madore]
Fran Norton
Rose Norton
Richard Norton
Martha Norton
Linda Ogden
Clara Ogden
Carroll Ogden
Madeline Randel
Carolyn Randel
Kenneth Taylor
Dorothy Taylor
Nancy Taylor